prowadzenie postępowań sądowych

Judicial law

Our law firm has many years of experience in handling court cases, particularly in representing clients before civil, family, and administrative courts.

Conducting Court Proceedings

Court proceedings require not only legal knowledge but also experience in appearing before the court as a professional representative. Conducting court proceedings is one of our specializations, in which we have many years of experience. Each year, our legal advisors and attorneys handle thousands of cases that demand their full commitment throughout the entire process.
Our work includes representing clients before common courts and administrative courts at every stage of the proceedings—from filing a lawsuit to the resolution of the case. Our team of legal advisors and mediators acts in the best interests of our clients, striving to achieve favorable dispute resolutions.

We represent our clients in court proceedings related to:

  • Banking and insurance cases
  • Commercial law
  • Family law
  • Labor law
  • Civil law
  • Administrative law

Scire leges non hoc est verba earum tenere, sed vim ac potestatem (D. 1.3.17) – To know the law does not mean to adhere strictly to the words of statutes, but to understand their substance and effect.

The scope of services offered by our Law Firm in court disputes includes:

Conducting court proceedings requires a thorough understanding of procedural regulations, the ability to present justifications and facts, and the skill to effectively articulate claims and motions. Our law firm provides comprehensive legal services, including both pre-litigation advice and representing clients throughout the court process. Our lawyers have experience handling cases before various courts, ranging from courts of first instance to the Supreme Court.
The scope of our Law Firm's services primarily includes banking and insurance cases, payment disputes (see more: debt collection), family matters, compensation claims, labor law cases, commercial disputes, and other broadly understood civil cases. We also specialize in administrative cases related to real estate law.

Amicable dispute resolution

The initiation of court proceedings should be preceded by an attempt to resolve the dispute amicably. Often, the first action before filing a lawsuit is sending a payment demand or another letter urging the other party to act or cease violations. Only in the case of refusal or lack of response from the opposing party is the lawsuit filed.
The Jaroch Pakos Mediation Center operates within our Law Firm, offering services that our clients can benefit from. Our experienced team of mediators provides neutral and professional support in dispute resolution, helping parties find mutual agreements without the need for litigation. With an individual approach based on active listening, empathy, and finding win-win solutions, we ensure effective and satisfactory outcomes for all parties involved.

Representation of Clients before Common Courts: Civil and Administrative

Even at the stage of accepting the case, we inform the Client of all costs associated with our participation in the proceedings, as well as the procedural costs, ensuring that the Client has full knowledge of the case. When filing a lawsuit, drafting a response to a claim, or preparing an objection to a payment order, we adhere to the principle of maximizing the Client’s interests, striving for the best possible outcome and satisfaction of their claim. We hold meetings and phone discussions with the Client, gathering evidence based on the facts and the demands being made.
The burden of proof rests on the party asserting the legal consequences of a given fact, meaning that, in the first pleading, we are generally obligated to present all arguments and evidence in favor of our client. During the first instance of the court proceedings, we prepare subsequent pleadings, promptly responding to actions taken by the opposing party. Conducting court cases also involves attending hearings, for which we are always thoroughly prepared. Throughout the proceedings, we pay particular attention to the examination of witnesses and parties involved in the case.

Representation of Clients in Litigation before the Court of Second Instance

Our Law Firm offers support in appeals and other remedies, including complaints against court rulings, in accordance with procedural regulations.
Our team of lawyers thoroughly analyzes the case and the reasoning of the first-instance court, prepares a solid argument, and effectively presents it in the best interest of the client. We pay attention to every detail, striving to achieve a favorable outcome in the case.

Why Choose Our Law Firm?

By choosing our Law Firm to handle court cases, you are choosing professionalism, experience, and effectiveness. Our team of highly qualified lawyers and mediators safeguards our clients' interests at every stage of the proceedings. With an individual approach and a deep understanding of the law, we provide comprehensive legal services, including representation before various courts and support in dispute resolution. By selecting our Law Firm, you are choosing a partner who will effectively defend your interests and strive to achieve favorable outcomes.

We invite you to contact us by phone or email, and we also offer a free meeting where we can present our services and tailor them to your needs. | tel. 880 383 880

