Family and Guardianship Law

The representation of clients by our law firm in family matters is not only about professionalism and legal expertise, but also empathy and understanding for the difficult situation. The foundation of our work is the pursuit of achieving the best solution while maintaining dignity and respect for all parties involved in the dispute.

Family and Guardianship Law

Family law, from the decree of January 22, 1946, to the current regulations, has undergone many changes aimed at adapting to the evolving needs of society and ethical standards in relations between relatives.
Ultimately, the goal of family and guardianship law is to provide support and protection for families and those in need of assistance. By regulating family relationships, the enacted legal norms aim to promote well-being and equality in all aspects of family and guardianship life.

Our legal services include representing clients in matters concerning:

  • divorce or separation,
  • division of property,
  • determination of custody and visitation rights,
  • limitation or termination of parental authority,
  • alimony,
  • full or partial incapacitation,
  • establishment of guardianship or custody.

Concordia domi, foris pax. - Harmony at home, peace outside.

Principles of family law

Family and guardianship law is a branch of civil law that regulates various issues related to family life, the rights and obligations of family members, marriage-related matters, property issues, and parental authority. Family matters are codified in the specific act known as the Family and Guardianship Code of February 25, 1964. An important legal foundation is also provided by the Civil Code. The fundamental principles of family law include the principle of the child's welfare, the welfare of the family, special protection of the family and child by the state, monogamy, the permanence of marriage, and the equality of spouses. Our experienced team of lawyers specializes in providing support and legal advice in difficult family situations. With a personalized approach to each case, we help our clients understand their rights and the legal consequences of decisions made in the context of divorce or separation. Our goal is to achieve a solution favorable to the client, taking into account their needs and interests.

Legal services for divorce or separation, division of property.

We provide comprehensive legal services in representing clients in matters of divorce or separation. In the context of marriage, family law governs both property and non-property relations between spouses. This is a key aspect to consider when entering into or dissolving a marriage. Divorce is the formal termination of marriage, which can be complex, especially when there are disputes over property division or parental authority. In the case of separation, the spouses remain married but live apart. The division of property can also be handled in a separate proceeding after the divorce. It can be settled either by the court or through an agreement between the former spouses.

The law firm's support in alimony matters

Alimony refers to regular financial payments made to an entitled person, such as a child. In the case of divorce, the right to receive alimony from one parent can be established during divorce proceedings or afterward. Both the recipient and the obligated party have the right to request a change in the amount of alimony at any time, if their financial situation has changed. For example, if the child starts school, resulting in higher expenses, or if the obligated parent loses their source of income or suffers an accident and is unable to provide the court-ordered amount. Alimony cases are also part of the services we offer.

Determination of custody, limitation, and termination of parental authority.

One must not forget about children's rights, which are also strictly regulated by family law. The Code clearly defines the principles and norms that ensure the protection and well-being of children, both in the context of their relationships with parents and legal guardians. A key aspect is the regulation of parental rights. The Family and Guardianship Code precisely outlines the principles of parental authority and the obligations parents have toward their children. Additionally, the Code governs adoption matters and all related procedures. Parental authority is typically vested in both parents. Complications arise when there is a divorce, the parents do not live together, or one parent is unable or should not exercise parental authority due to the child's welfare. During divorce proceedings, the court is required to rule on how parental authority will be exercised. In other situations, custody, limitation, or termination of parental authority is determined in a separate proceeding. In such critical cases involving a child, it is advisable to seek the help of a professional legal representative.

Guardianship and custody.

Guardianship is a legal institution aimed at protecting the interests and providing care for individuals who, for various reasons, are unable to make decisions or manage their affairs independently. This can include partially incapacitated individuals, unborn children, persons with disabilities, or those who are absent. A guardian can be a person or legal entity appointed by the court, whose duty is to look after the well-being and interests of the ward and represent them in legal matters. The purpose of guardianship is to ensure legal protection and support for individuals who need assistance in managing their life affairs. Custody, on the other hand, is established for a minor when their parents are unknown or have been stripped of parental authority, as well as for individuals who are fully incapacitated. Our law firm also provides support in these matters.

Why our law firm?

Our legal counselors and attorneys have extensive knowledge in family and guardianship law, supported by years of experience. We understand that handling cases arising from family relationships is unique, as these matters are often charged with significant emotional weight. We provide advice and represent clients professionally, striving to ensure that court proceedings do not cause additional stress for our clients. Have any questions? Feel free to contact us via the contact form or by email at: Also, check out: inheritance law.

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