Insurance law

We offer comprehensive legal support to insurance institutions, including ongoing advisory services and representation in court proceedings. With a wide range of services, our law firm assists insurers in resolving complex legal issues, minimizing legal and operational risks.

Insurance Law — Legal Services for Insurance and Reinsurance Companies.

As a law firm, we have extensive experience in providing services to financial entities as well as insurance and reinsurance companies. We offer comprehensive support to insurers, agents, and multi-agents.
We provide expert support to companies with an established presence in the market, as well as to entities that are just starting or planning to enter the insurance sector. We represent our clients in disputes with policyholders, the insured, and injured parties in the context of consumer, civil, and commercial law. We assist insurance companies in dealings with supervisory institutions and represent them in administrative proceedings and court disputes in which they are involved.

The services we offer include:

  • representation of insurers before courts and administrative bodies
  • representation in disputes with consumers and businesses
  • analysis of legal risks arising from business decisions
  • bancassurance
  • assistance in matters related to outsourcing
  • drafting and reviewing contracts
  • participation in mediations

Hominum causa omne ius constitutum sit (D. 1.5.2) – All law is established for the sake of people.

Court proceedings in the field of insurance activities — compensation payouts and other proceedings.

Court proceedings in the field of insurance activities encompass a wide range of cases related to insurance contracts and claims arising from these agreements. Most often, they involve disputes between policyholders and insurers, which may stem from the refusal to pay compensation, underpayment of financial benefits, or the improper interpretation of policy terms. Courts handle such cases by analyzing the general terms of insurance contracts, applicable laws, and the evidence presented. Expert witnesses also play a significant role in compensation cases, assessing the extent and value of damages. Ultimately, these proceedings aim to ensure legal protection for policyholders and maintain the integrity and transparency of the insurance market.
As a law firm specializing in insurance and reinsurance activities, we offer support in preparing responses to lawsuits, gathering evidence, and analyzing insurance contracts. Our tasks also include representing the insurer in court hearings, mediations, and before administrative bodies, including financial supervisory authorities. With our expertise and experience, we can effectively defend the insurer's interests, minimizing financial and reputational risks. Professional representation also ensures that the insurer’s actions comply with current legal regulations, which is crucial for maintaining customer trust and the stability of the insurance market.

Legal risk analysis in the operations of insurance companies.

As part of our services, we thoroughly assess the potential consequences of various business decisions related to insurance and reinsurance activities, such as introducing new insurance products, changes in policy terms, insurance distribution, or expansion into new markets.
The analysis includes identifying potential risks, assessing compliance with applicable legal regulations, including the Act of September 11, 2015, on Insurance and Reinsurance Activities, and preparing recommendations aimed at minimizing the risks associated with such activities. This enables the insurer to make informed decisions that are legally compliant and reduce the likelihood of disputes and regulatory penalties. A professional risk analysis also protects the company’s reputation and strengthens its market position.


The bancassurance service offered by our law firm to insurers provides comprehensive support in activities related to cooperation between banks and insurance companies. As a law firm specializing in insurance and banking, we assist in negotiating and drafting partnership agreements, ensuring compliance with applicable laws and sectoral regulations.
These services also include advising on the structuring of bancassurance products, risk assessment, and support in compliance and risk management processes. With expert knowledge, our lawyers help optimize the benefits of integrating banking and insurance services while minimizing legal and operational risks. Professional bancassurance support facilitates effective cooperation between banks and insurers, leading to improved products and services for customers.

Help with outsourcing

We offer insurers support in outsourcing, providing comprehensive assistance with the conclusion and execution of outsourcing agreements. Outsourcing in the insurance sector can cover a wide range of services, such as customer service, claims management, IT, or accounting. We assist in drafting and negotiating contracts, ensuring compliance with legal regulations and minimizing the risks associated with transferring processes to external providers.
Our advisory services also include evaluating contracts with regard to the protection of personal data and confidential information, as well as monitoring compliance with sector-specific and legal regulations. Professional outsourcing support allows insurers to focus on the core aspects of their business while optimizing operations and minimizing risk.

Drafting and reviewing insurance contracts and other agreements.

Our lawyers play a key role in drafting and reviewing contracts entered into by insurers, ensuring that they comply with applicable legal regulations and protect the company's interests. Professional contract preparation includes the detailed specification of insurance terms, the rights and obligations of the parties, and clauses related to liability and dispute resolution.
We also analyze existing contracts, identifying potential legal risks and proposing necessary amendments. With our expertise and experience, we help insurers avoid future disputes by ensuring clarity and precision in contract provisions. Professional drafting and review of contracts contribute to enhancing the legal and operational security of insurers' activities.

Participation in mediations

The Mediation Center at our Jaroch Pakos Law Firm also provides mediation services for insurance disputes. This is an alternative method of resolving conflicts between insurers and their clients, allowing for an agreement to be reached without resorting to court proceedings. The mediation process is led by a neutral mediator who helps both parties work toward a mutually satisfactory solution.
W sprawach ubezpieczeniowych mediacja może dotyczyć roszczeń o odszkodowanie, spornych interpretacji warunków polisy czy kwestii związanych z wypłatą świadczeń. Mediacja jest często szybsza i mniej kosztowna niż postępowanie sądowe, a także pozwala na zachowanie pozytywnych relacji między stronami. Dzięki mediacji ubezpieczyciele mogą skutecznie zarządzać konfliktami, zwiększając zadowolenie klientów i minimalizując ryzyko reputacyjne.

Do you need help? Contact our law firm!

In insurance disputes, mediation can address issues such as compensation claims, contested interpretations of policy terms, or matters related to the payment of benefits. Mediation is often faster and less costly than court proceedings, and it helps maintain positive relationships between the parties. Through mediation, insurers can effectively manage conflicts, increase customer satisfaction, and minimize reputational risk.

